Cassie Ennsmann, LMT
Massage by Cassie

Services & Rates


I offer four (6) massage package* options:

(3) 60-minute massages: $240 (~10% discount)

(6) 60-minute massages:  $459 (regular price $510)

(13) 60-minute massages:  $867 ($238 savings!)


(3) 90-minute massages: $320 (~10% discount)

(6) 90-minute massages:  $619 (regular price $690)

(13) 90-minute massages:  $1169 ($326 savings!)

*No refunds on massage package purchases. Treatments are transferable, or sharable within same household.

Packages Expire: 2 years from purchase date.

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Custom Massage with Aromatherapy

60 minutes: $85
90 minutes: $115

I have worked closely with a Chiropractic Physician to develop the technique that I use. My intention is to help heal the muscle while avoiding unhealthy pain and additional damage whenever possible. Consistency of pressure, warming the muscles, and using a controlled pace allow the body to relax more naturally, increasing the effectiveness of the massage. Utilizing this concept, I work with your body; and in many cases induce a deeply relaxing state, including sleep, in the process. Whether you want to take a break from life to de-stress, or work on a specific physical ailment, together we will design a massage that is best suited to your needs. 

60-minute sessions are reserved for relaxation massage, or focused (area specific) therapeutic work only. In most cases this is not sufficient time to address full-body therapeutic concerns. 

May include aromatherapy (optional), essential oil muscle ointment, or assistive tools.

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Full Body Dry Brushing

60 minutes: $90

A dry, natural-bristled, body brush is swept over the skin in long, repetitive strokes. The bristles are firm; but not overly abrasive to avoid scratching beneath the surface of the skin*. The arms, legs, back, stomach and face are gently brushed, followed by the application of a moisturizer. This service is sure to leave you feeling relaxed, and your skin feeling brand new!!

The benefits of dry brushing: 

  • Improves skin tone and texture by exfoliating dead skin cells
  • Stimulates circulation
  • Reduces swelling caused by poor lymphatic drainage
  • Opens pores to allow for better elimination of toxins
  • Stimulates the nervous system
  • Reduces cellulite and fat deposits 

*Some individuals with sensitive skin, or those who have an over-reactive histamine response, may experience a heightened reaction.

Dry Brushing can be incorporated into any full body massage treatment for $30 additional fee

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60 minutes: $65

Reiki is a Japanese form of energy work that cleanses and balances the body. As a result, the body's natural self-healing mechanisms strengthen, helping to establish optimum health. I work with your energy field to remove blockages, detoxify your system, and restore your vital life-force energy. Reiki utilizes a gentle laying-on of hands to conduct the energy between us. The benefits of Reiki can include: the release of habitual mental/emotional stress, improved mood, better sleep, and alleviating chronic pain.

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Head, Hand & Foot

~60 minutes: $55

This, approximately, 60-minute treatment begins with a scrub exfoliation of the hands & feet, followed by the application of a natural paraffin alternative (eco-fin). While the vitamins and oils work their magic on your skin, you get to enjoy a relaxing scalp massage. The treatment is concluded with massage of the hands & feet, removing the excess eco-fin. 

The following selections are available

Shangri-La:  Jasmine and Sandalwood 
Happy:  Raspberry and Grapefruit
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

Escape:  Peppermint Essence
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

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Express HH & F

30 minutes: $35

A condensed version. This 30-minute treatment skips the exfoliation of the hands & feet, and goes straight to the application of a natural paraffin alternative (eco-fin). While the vitamins and oils work their magic on your skin, you still get to enjoy a relaxing, abbreviated scalp massage. The express treatment is concluded with massage of the hands & feet, removing the excess eco-fin.

The following selections are available

Shangri-La:  Jasmine and Sandalwood 
Happy:  Raspberry and Grapefruit
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

Escape:  Peppermint Essence
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

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Eco-fin (natural paraffin alternative) Enhancement - Hands OR Feet

1-10 minutes: $15

Using a heated, natural, plant-based alternative to paraffin (eco-fin); a rich blend of palm, soy, jojoba and organic coconut oils, shea butter, vitamin E and essential oils, I can deliver rich moisturizers that leave the skin soft and supple. 

The product is melted down and applied to the hands OR feet (your choice). After the vitamins and oils have had a chance to work their magic on your skin, they are massaged in and the excess eco-fin is removed.

The following selections are available

Shangri-La:  Jasmine and Sandalwood 
Happy:  Raspberry and Grapefruit
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

Escape:  Peppermint Essence
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)


Note: This may increase your service time by up to 10 minutes

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Eco-fin (natural paraffin alternative) Enhancement - Hands AND Feet

1-20 minutes: $25

Using a heated, natural, plant-based alternative to paraffin (eco-fin); a rich blend of palm, soy, jojoba and organic coconut oils, shea butter, vitamin E and essential oils, I can deliver rich moisturizers that leave the skin soft and supple. 

The product is melted down and applied to the hands and feet. After the vitamins and oils have had a chance to work their magic on your skin, they are massaged in and the excess eco-fin is removed.

The following selections are available

Shangri-La:  Jasmine and Sandalwood 
Happy:  Raspberry and Grapefruit
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)

Escape:  Peppermint Essence
Eucalyptus CBD ($5 additional)


Note: This may increase your service time by up to 20 minutes.

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Iliopsoas Release

45 minutes: $50

The Iliopsoas is a combination of two muscles (Psoas and Iliacus) that create the deep hip flexor. This muscle duo connects to the front of the spine in the low back and follows the inside of the pelvis. Tightness of this muscle can contribute to the hip or low back pain experienced by both runners, and individuals who spend a large amount of their time in a seated position.

For the targeted massage I will be focusing only on the area from the knee, to approximately your belly button level, primarily the front side of the body; however, this can include glute work and massage into the groin area. Massage can be fully clothed; but, thin comfortable clothing is recommended.  

Because of the location of this muscle, it can sometimes be difficult or uncomfortable for the client. The technique that I use approaches this muscle in a very slow, methodical way.

Please be advised: Depending on the severity of the problem, the issue may not be fully addressed in one session.

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Additional Time

15 minutes: $15

Do you feel like you need just a little more time than I’ve allotted?  I can easily add on 15-minute increments to most services for $15 each.  Just discuss this with me before we begin. 

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Chair Massage

Varies minutes: Varies

Chair massage is typically done in 10 - 15 minute increments.In addition to the usual health benefits of massage, an added benefit is that chair massage is done over clothing. This allows even the busiest people a chance to fit a massage into their schedule. 

Would you like to treat your hard-working employees? Chair massage is perfect for the workplace, and I can bring my chair to you!! Contact me for group pricing.



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Reflexology-Based Foot Treatment

60 minutes: $75

Reflexology is a type of bodywork that focuses on applying pressure to the specific nerve zones in your feet. Unlike other foot massages that intend to mostly relieve tension in the feet themselves, reflexology is a far more in-depth science that aims to harmonize your entire body. According to reflexology, every part of the human body is mapped into your feet. Reflexology treatments have been found to be highly effective for conditions such as allergies, headaches, and depression.

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Thai-Influenced Assisted Stretch

60 minutes: $75

Thai massage is more energizing and rigorous than most other forms of massage therapy. It's also called Thai Yoga massage, because I use my hands, knees, legs, and feet to move you into a series of yoga-like postures and stretches. My clients say Thai massage is like doing yoga without doing any of the work. No oil is applied, so you are fully dressed during the session. A single Thai massage session will help you release stress and relieve pain, and help you function more effectively at work and home.

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Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy aims to gently and rhythmically move the lymph through the body, especially swollen areas of the body, relieving pressure and enhancing the functioning of the immune system. As both a preventative and remedial technique, LD can be used for a wide range of purposes including faster recovery from injury, reduction of swelling and discomfort from pregnancy, and strengthened resistance to illness.
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Polarity Therapy

Polarity therapy is a type of bodywork which is focused on the energy fields of the body, rather than the physical body itself. This type of body work is also called energy work, because the practitioner attempts to adjust the skewed energy fields of the body and bring them into balance. During a polarity therapy session, the therapist and client usually work together in a very calm, relaxed environment.
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LED Deep Penetrating Light Therapy Mitt(s)

20 minutes: $20

Add LED Mitt Therapy to most therapies available.  This treatment focuses on the hand(s) of your choice

Deep Penetrating Light is good for short-term relief of achy joints, inflammation, chronic pain, mobility issues, increasing circulation, scar therapy

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